Overproduction: A Long Standing Key Aspect of Capitalist Logic
What neo-Malthusianists fail to realize is that poverty, unemployment, and the lack of equal distribution of resources has nothing to do with the world having "too many people". Then again, when one has an extremely pessimistic, anti-human, millenarianist worldview, one cannot rationalize any of the material conditions scientifically. Although the world has changed since the 1800's, a long standing feature of capitalism still remains, in spite of Marx and Engels not foreseeing the advent of artificial intelligence (A.I.): the capitalist bias of technology and overproduction. Firstly, technological advances are not necessarily or inherently 'bad' especially if they help workers be more productive and help make their work and lives easier; they do indeed have the potential to serve human needs. However, capitalist 'efficiency' has never been about raising output or productivity; investment under capitalism always meant replacing workers with machines an...