No, the COVID-19 crisis is still not the same as the 2003 WMD-narrative in Iraq
For the most part, arguing with anti-science pandemic denialists is futile and tantamount to getting embroiled into arguments with the Flat Earth Society over astrology; both conspiratorial camps are psychotic and try too hard to see patterns where there are none to be found, and are completely out of touch with reality. But every once in a while, one of their most egregious claims will resurface and it is hard to ignore because of the sheer absurdity. Cranks on the internet, who clearly never worked a day in their lives and have suddenly become "health experts" overnight, still like to compare the current COVID-19 crisis (which, in their minds, is a "grand hoax" planned by some "secret cabal") to the "Weapons of Mass Destruction"-pretext used to justify the direct U.S.-UK military invasion of Iraq in 2003. It is quite clear that people such as these have no real grasp or understanding, ergo no real principled stance, of imperialism which is prim...