Wahhabi Terror Apologists and American Empire Shills with Pink Pussyhats
Minnesota's Democratic representative and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has been making headlines lately because of the seemingly "anti-establishment" remarks she made in Washington and has become popular among some Western 'progressives', including feminist circles. Her comments included: criticizing AIPAC, calling out the state of Israel for its treatment of Palestinians (and rightly so), and calling Barack Obama a "pretty face who got away with murder". That is, until she backtracked -- as she usually does, which shouldn't be surprising -- and proclaimed herself to be an " Obama fan ". More recently, however, she made the following Tweet : Some anti-imperialist critics say that she's a Muslim Brotherhood-controlled opposition or spokesperson, which would not be too farfetched. Here, she is perpetuating the lies used to justify the United States' dirty war on Syria; namely, that the foreign-shipped, head-chopping "mo...